Slow Cooker Do’s and Don’ts for Easy Homemade Meals - Fresh Dish Post from Price Chopper

Slow Cooker Do’s and Don’ts for Easy Homemade Meals

September 13th 2024

A slow cooker is an indispensable appliance for busy households, perfect for combining all your ingredients and letting them cook while you go about your day. Requiring minimal effort and cleanup, slow cookers can be left unattended for hours to work their magic, producing versatile dishes that are as flavorful as they are effortless. Enjoy simple, delicious homemade meals using these slow cooker do’s and don’ts.

Slow Cooker


Fill your slow cooker half to two-thirds full to guarantee that the foods cook properly.

Take the time to brown meats or sauté vegetables before adding them to the slow cooker for extra dimension and deep, caramelized flavor.

Use only small amounts of flavorful liquids like broth, wine and juices since little to no evaporation occurs in slow cookers.

Pay attention to layering information in recipes. Cook tough vegetables like potatoes and carrots at the bottom of the slow cooker to ensure they retain more moisture and cook more swiftly.


Start with frozen meat. Fully thaw meats before placing them in the slow cooker to avoid harmful bacteria and prevent excess moisture.

Add pasta, rice, dairy or fresh herbs until the last 15 to 30 minutes to avoid overcooking.

Forget to use more flavorful, aromatic ingredients than usual. Since slow cooking can mellow out flavors over time, tossing in extras like garlic, onion and celery can help ensure a flavorful dish.

Lift the lid unless the recipe instructs you to stir. Checking on the food’s progress releases too much heat, and it can take as long as 30 minutes to heat back up after peeking.


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